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Storage Terms & Conditions 2021/22

You agree that you will keep to the terms and conditions of this licence agreement, touring terms and conditions and the park rules.

Caravans must have a valid insurance certificate and storage must be paid for in order to either, enter or remain in the storage compound.

Our obligations to you: –

We allow you throughout the Storage Period to keep the Caravan in storage with us, provided you comply with your obligations in this Agreement.

We agree to take all reasonable precautions to protect the Caravan from loss or damage while in storage but shall not be liable for loss or damage which occurs if we are not at fault.

We agree to allow you, and anyone authorised by yourself to use your account to make bookings.

We agree to not allow anyone else to remove the Caravan from storage unless the law requires us to do so.

We agree to insure our storage service against usual third-party risks to a minimum of £5,000,000 per claim.

We agree to only give your keys to persons whom you authorise.

Your obligations to us: –

You agree to pay the charges due to us on the date set out in Part I.

You agree to insure the Caravan, at your own expense against standard property damage insurable perils (including loss) and public liability.  The sum of theses liabilities shall not be less than £5,000,000.

You agree to provide a copy of your insurance at the start of this agreement and again when you renew your insurance.   As we are not insurance experts, we will check only the name of the insured, period of cover and the sums insured. We assume no duty to you to check you have insured against the correct risks.

You agree to keep the Caravan in a good state of repair and condition both visually and structurally, so as to retain its mobility, and in a safe, habitable state including the repair and maintenance of all installations and appliances and undertaking and/or commissioning all relevant periodic safety checks.

You agree to book for your caravan to be removed from storage to carry out any work or checks. We will not allow works to be carried out to a caravan in our storage area.

You agree not to, or fail to do anything which might put us in breach of any condition of the Site Licence, which is available from Reception.

You agree to be responsible for properly securing the Caravan as provided for by the manufacturer.  Please note that, due to park security measures the park does not fit wheel clamps whilst the caravan is in storage.  Tow hitch covers must not be fitted at any time, as there have been birds found nesting under these covers.  It is the caravan owner’s responsibility to ensure this does not invalidate their insurance.

You agree to raise the Caravan corner steadies (legs) before leaving the park.

You agree not to keep any explosive or other inflammable substance or material in the Caravan, with the exception that up to a maximum of two gas cylinders of a proprietary brand and suitable for use with the Caravan may be left, disconnected, inside the Caravan. Should any such substances or materials be discovered, they may be removed from the Caravan. If they are unsafe, you agree that we may dispose of them immediately.  In other cases, we may dispose of them on 14 days’ written notice to you.

You agree that you shall not be entitled to any compensation resulting from this action.

You agree to permit us to move the Caravan around our storage area and the Park, un-securing and re-securing as necessary.

You agree to comply with all statutory requirements (including any relevant planning permissions) in relation to the Caravan and its installations and furnishings.

You agree to act in a courteous and considerate manner towards us, our staff and anyone visiting, using, or working on the Caravan and/or our storage area and the Park including other customers.

You agree not to keep or use any unlawful property or drugs at the Caravan or on the Park.

Termination of the Agreement

The Agreement may come to an end in any of the following ways:

Because the Storage Period has come to an end.
By you losing ownership of the Caravan.
By us terminating it, because you have broken your obligations under this Agreement.
By either of us giving notice in writing to the other of our wish to end it.

No refunds are given under any circumstances. You must pay all charges due to us under the Agreement, before removing the Caravan from storage.

When we may terminate the Agreement.

We are entitled to bring this Agreement to an end by writing to you, giving you not less than one month’s notice.

If you are in serious breach of your obligations under this Agreement and the breach is not capable of being remedied, or is such that it causes a breakdown in the relationship between you and us (for example violence or intentional damage to property), we may serve upon you reasonable notice in writing to terminate this Agreement. In deciding what period of notice is reasonable, we shall have due regard to the nature of the breach and other relevant circumstances.

If you are in breach of any of your obligations under this Agreement which is capable of being remedied, (for example, a failure to pay any sum due promptly), we may write giving you warning, specifying the breach, and asking you to remedy the breach within a reasonable and specified time. If you do not comply with that warning and the breach is either serious and/or amounts to persistent breaches of obligation, which taken individually would be minor, but which taken together cause a breakdown in the relationship between you and us, we are entitled to write to you to end this Agreement and to require you to make arrangements with us for the removal of the Caravan from our storage area.

When you may terminate the Agreement

You are entitled to bring this Agreement to an end, by writing to us giving us not less than one month’s notice at any time.

However, if we have broken our obligations to you under this Agreement and if, as the result, you are entitled to end this Agreement you may give us a lesser period of notice, but should still give us as much notice as possible.

You may also give us a lesser period of notice if you decide not to replace your Caravan, following a total loss for which you are insured under clause 3.7.  Again, you should still give us as much notice as possible.

The consequences of termination of the Agreement

You agree to arrange with us for the immediate removal of the Caravan and all other property of yours from our storage.

If following termination of this Agreement, you fail to arrange the removal of the Caravan, we are entitled to remove it ourselves after giving you not less than 14 days’ notice in writing of our intention to do so.  If the Independent Surveyor confirms to us that the Caravan is not capable of  selling for a sum sufficient to cover the costs of removal and sale, then you authorise us to dispose of the Caravan as we see fit and you will repay to us the costs we incur (acting reasonably) in the removal and disposal of the Caravan. Otherwise, we may, on not less than one month’s written notice to you, sell the Caravan at the best price reasonably achievable in the circumstances.

We may charge you reasonable storage fees from the date this Agreement ends, until the date the Caravan is removed from the Park.

Where we sell the Caravan, we will account to you for the sale proceeds we receive less, (a) our reasonable costs of storage under clause 7.4, our reasonable costs of removal and disposal or sale and (b) any other undisputed sum due from you to us.

We agree to repay to you any charges which you have paid us, for a period after the Agreement has ended on a pro-rata basis, less any sums properly due to us.

We have the right to retain the Caravan, until you have paid any undisputed sum due to us, on termination of this Agreement.

Park Rules

You agree to comply with all Park Rules.

It may be necessary or desirable to change the Park Rules from time to time, including for reasons of health and safety, the efficient running of the Park, environmental issues, local authority requirements, and/or changes in law or regulations or in the interpretation of law and regulations imposed upon us.

The Park Rules will be available to view on our website, or from Reception.

Any changes made to the Park Rules, after the signing of this Agreement may affect you because you will be required to comply with the changed Park Rules, but this will not affect anything else to which you are entitled under this Agreement.


You agree to provide a spare set of keys for your caravan.

We may use the key for any purpose you authorise, for example to carry out agreed repairs, and to gain access if this is necessary to move the Caravan into, out of or around storage.

We may also use the key in an emergency, such as an immediate concern for the health and safety of any person, to carry out urgent repairs or preventative work, or to check and secure the Caravan if it appears to be insecure.

We agree to take reasonable care of your keys when accessing the Caravan.

Complaints and disputes

We are confident you will be happy with our service. If you have any complaint, we encourage you to discuss it with us.

Please refer to Mr Alastair Franks, Oakdown Touring and Holiday Park on 01297 680387 or by emailing:

In the event of a dispute that cannot be resolved between you and us, this Agreement provides for disputes to be resolved by the following means:

We may refer questions arising under clauses 7.2 to an Independent Surveyor.

We may agree between us to refer any dispute to an arbitrator.

We may agree to refer any dispute to an Alternative Dispute Resolution service. If we have not been able to resolve a dispute with you, then we will give you details of any service we recommend, but this does not prevent you from suggesting another for us to consider.

The above are all alternatives to going to Court, but if you prefer to go to Court, this Agreement does not in any way prevent you from doing so.


We agree that any letters or other communications between us shall be sent to the address appearing in Part I, unless we have told you, or you have told us of another address to be used instead.  Letters and other communications will not be addressed to you at the Caravan.

You may ask us to stop contacting you with this information at any time.  We will not supply the data to third parties for them to use in their marketing without your further permission.

Larger print copy available from Reception.


Revised September 2021